Friday, September 13, 2013

Gifts given

I wanted to post a few things that I've made lately that I've given to other people for whatever reason.  Usually, I'm taking the pictures in a big hurry on the way to the post office so I'm not thinking about lighting or angles etc.  I just want to document the sweat and tears heheh.

The above is a mug rug that I made from a design from Der Stickbaer.   The site is in German and English I believe and there are some nice in the hoop designs here.

This is a set of dishtowels completely handmade by little ol' me.  I purchased a linen fabric the ric-rac and fabric accent band and embroidered the veggies using designs from Embroidery Library.  I like them so much I need a set for myself. (click the picture to get a the picture to pop up bigger)

The pillow was for a friend who works at the cutting counter at JoAnn's.  She is always so upbeat and I loved it when she was working  while I was working my shift selling sewing machines.  The cutting counter and our little store- within-a-store is right next to that area.  Designs from Embroidery Library.

Allllllll of this stuff was a late Christmas gift to my mom, there's a thread-catcher bag with Bluebirds embroidered in their little house, an eye mask for naps, a triangle pouch that I laminated also to hold threads, a pincushion filled with crushed walnut shells and a 10-minute table runner that was really about that long to make. Designs from Embroidery Library.

Above is a cute little purse from one of the Husqvarna-Viking packs and also built into the Designer Diamond Deluxe. This was SUPER easy to do in the hoop.  The hardest part of this was picking out about 4 grey thread colors to contrast.  It is lined in green satin.

Viola!  There you have a plethora of stuff that I remembered to snap photos of.